SmallTolk im Gespräch mit: Alan Sisto (Prancing Pony Podcast) (Englisch)

SmallTolk im Gespräch mit: Alan Sisto (Prancing Pony Podcast) (Englisch)


vor 7 Monaten

SmallTolk proudly presents - our very first English-speaking
guest Alan Sisto really does not need any introductions: He is
the host of the Prancing Pony Podcast, of Todays's Tolkien Times,
and the Ring of Power Wrap-up (returning this fall!) - and
together with the amazing Shawn Marchese he has written "Why we
love Middle-earth." So we will be chatting all things "why we
love Middle-earth", about podcasts, about fandom, all the fun
things out there - do come along!

Weitere Episoden

Abschied von Oppa
2 Stunden 11 Minuten
vor 1 Monat
Bewegte Bilder: Rings of Power Season 2
1 Stunde 25 Minuten
vor 2 Monaten
Der Blick ins Buch - Istari
47 Minuten
vor 3 Monaten

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