God is silent | Mathis Sieber

God is silent | Mathis Sieber

The Story of Christmas - a series through the Chr…
22 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
The Story of Christmas - a series through the Christmas story as
documented by the author Lukas. Topic: "God is silent" The
Christmas story based on the Gospel of Luke begins long before the
birth of Jesus - in a phase of silence. Why is God silent? Does he
even exists? This message illuminates, among other things the
difference between compelling and supporting evidence and
illuminates an argument that speaks for the existence of God: the
cosmological evidence! What does Stephen Hawkings say about this
and what answer does the Christian faith give with Christmas? Books
about "arguments for the existence of God" - Timothy Keller, Reason
for God (especially chapters 8 and 9) - Timothy Keller, Making
Sense of God (especially chapter 11) - Tom Wright, Simply Christian
(especially chapters 1-4) - Jerry L. Walls, Trent Dougherty
(Hrsg.), Two Dozen (or so) Arguments for God Interview with Alvin
Plantinga: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R21z7RrKywo More from
our Channel also as Video: This talk is also available in German:
https://youtu.be/verA9-oiLDE All other messages from our channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-ofhRNp-PlarOZrLekmumQ ---
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