Unlocking the World: Helen Keller’s Journey in The Story of My Life

Unlocking the World: Helen Keller’s Journey in The Story of My Life

8 Minuten


vor 8 Monaten
When did Helen's parents find out that she was
Helen Keller's parents found out that she was blind when she was 19
months old. At that age, she became ill with a high fever, which
was later identified as scarlet fever or meningitis. The illness
left her both deaf and blind.
What are the names of characters in The Story of My
The names of the main characters in "The Story of My Life"

Helen Keller: The author and protagonist, who is deaf and blind
from a young age but overcomes her disabilities to become an
accomplished writer and advocate for the disabled.
Anne Sullivan: Helen's teacher and mentor, who helps her learn to
communicate through sign language and Braille.
Arthur H. Keller: Helen's father, who initially struggles to
understand her needs but eventually supports her education.
Kate Keller: Helen's mother, who is initially overwhelmed by
Helen's disabilities but becomes her biggest advocate.
Mildred Keller: Helen's younger sister.
James Keller: Helen's half-brother.
Belle: Helen's pet dog, who plays a significant role in her early
Mr. Anagnos: The director of the Perkins Institution for the Blind,
who shows confidence in Helen's abilities and provides her with
opportunities for education and growth.

How blind was Helen
Helen Keller was not completely blind, but she was considered
deaf-blind. She lost her eyesight and hearing at the age of 19
months due to an illness, believed to be scarlet fever or
meningitis. As a result, she was unable to see or hear and lived in
a world of darkness and silence for most of her life. However, with
the help of her teacher Anne Sullivan, Keller learned to
communicate through sign language and became an incredibly
accomplished individual, overcoming her disabilities and becoming
an advocate for others with sensory impairments.

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