Why we need to go through decentralisation to achieve 100% renewable energy and to solve the climate crisis – with Hans-Josef Fell, Energy Watch Group

Why we need to go through decentralisation to achieve 100% renewable energy and to solve the climate crisis – with Hans-Josef Fell, Energy Watch Group

Janine and Stefan talk with Hans-Josef Fell, Energy Watch Group
53 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

The energy sector is the main source of greenhouse gases,
especially in the form of CO2 produced by the burning of coal,
oil and gas. These energy sources are under the control of a few
global corporations, which thereby control a large part of the
world economy.

The concentration of fossil and nuclear resources in a few places
leads to imbalances and dependencies and has often even led to
wars. The recent Russian war against Ukraine has also made it
clear to the world that Russia has a strong dominance in
supplying many other countries with fossil and nuclear energy

In contrast, renewable energy offers the possibility of local
energy supply, where local citizens and communities use renewable
energy sources. This represents a major redistribution of
economic resources, financial and ultimately political power.
This opens up the prospect of a more democratic, inclusive and
participatory society.

Hans-Josef Fell, President of the Energy Watch Group, was a
pioneer of renewable energy and initiated one of the first
community solar projects in Germany. As a member of the German
Bundestag between 1998 and 2013, he was one of the fathers of the
groundbreaking Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). We discuss
with him why renewable energies are essential for effective
climate protection and why the fight for the climate is also a
fight for energy.

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