Interning at Au Pair in America, coming-out in San Francisco and finding the perfect match with Rieke

Interning at Au Pair in America, coming-out in San Francisco and finding the perfect match with Rieke

39 Minuten


vor 1 Woche

Welcome Rieke! If you follow Au Pair in America on Instagram, you
probably have already seen Rieke on there, as she is quite well
known in the Au Pair bubble. After her 2 years of Au Pairing in
San Francisco and then studying in the US for 2 semesters, she
returned to the US as an intern for Au Pair in America. She talks
to us about her experience working in the American hustle
culture, her perfect host family, what it's like to come home and
her coming-out in the US. Make sure to follow both us
( and Rieke (@simplyrieka) on Instagram

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