#48 Acceptance as an important part of Self-love, -healing and -development

#48 Acceptance as an important part of Self-love, -healing and -development

24 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
... sharing with you some personal insights and revelations, what I
am here to keep bringing forth, what I wholeheartedly feel is
needed for us humans to solve today's world issues... I also want
to add: At around min 17:00 I say, "if every person....then we
change the world" - I actually feel that it is even sufficient if a
CRITICAL MASS of people does this work - that will tip the
collective field of awareness towards one of greater harmony.... so
the more each and everyone of us meets themselves with more loving
presence, compassion and curiosity, the more we shift 🤍 Katja is a
Women's Empowerment Mentor who supports women to reconnect to their
bodies, their emotional intelligence, themselves🤍 Insta:
https://instagram.com/katja_deborah https://katjadeborah.com
 🤍Donations are welcome: paypal.me/katjadeborah Podcast:
https:// katjadeborah. com/podcast Free EBook for an introduction
into Yoni self-exploration:

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