#30 An extensive talk on being human, living in this universe and PSE

#30 An extensive talk on being human, living in this universe and PSE

1 Stunde 22 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren
PSE stands for psychosomatic energetics Join Leni and me as we
explore the nature of existence, why there might be suffering on
Earth while others live in happiness - looking through the lense of
Eastern philosophy and our own personal experiences with plant
medicine, Yoga, meditation and life itself I had so much fun in
this conversation Hannah Madeleine (Leni) Scherer is a medical
doctor from Germany, who is specialized in integrative medicine.
She works with a variety of different techniques, which are based
on wholesome approaches, taking in view not only the physical body,
but also the emotional body, mental body and spirit of each
individual. Yoga therapy, Ayurvedic therapy, functional medicine
(including orthomolecular medicine), Psychosomatic Energetics and
Blood therapy are just some of the methods that she is trained in
and utilizes in order to support each person that is willing, on
their path to a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. Katja is a
Inner Deep Dive Coach who supports people in deepening their
connection to themselves - physically, emotionally &
spiritually - so they may realize their inherent beauty,
ineffableness & creativity 🤍
https://instagram.com/katja_deborah https://katjadeborah.com
⋱  If my content helps you, I thankfully receive your
donations 🤍   Donations are welcome: paypal.me/katjadeborah
Podcast: https://anchor.fm/katja-deborah or on  iTunes,
Spotify and other common podcast platforms Free meditation for
connection with a body part that you struggle with
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https://katjadeborah.com/blog/ ************************************

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