#58 | Mabe Fratti, Kate Carr, Skee Mask, Die Verlierer, O.

#58 | Mabe Fratti, Kate Carr, Skee Mask, Die Verlierer, O.

von Christopher Hunold & Melanie Loeper
1 Stunde 6 Minuten
Das Kompetenzzentrum für musikalische Belange


vor 5 Monaten
Platten: - Mabe Fratti - Sentir Que No Sabes (Unheard Of Hope) -
Kate Carr - Midsummer, London (Persistence of Sound) - Skee Mask -
Resort (Ilian Tape) - Die Verlierer - Notausgang (Mangel) - O. -
Weirdos (Speedy Wunderground) Songs: - Mabe Fratti - Enfrente -
Michel Banabila - So Far Yet So Near - Sam Morton - Let’s Walk In
The Night - Cola - Pulling Quotes - Onhell - Lotadão - Kate Carr -
Amid waterbirds and joggers, Staines-upon-Thames - Mikahl Antony -
Deep Ain’t It - Oiro Pena - Pritzch - Nusar3000 - LEVANTE - Boldy
James & Conductor Williams - The Ol Switcharoo - Die Verlierer
- Stacheldraht - O. - TV Dinners - Dana Kuehr - Biota - Kode9 -
Eyes Go Blank - Azu Tiwaline & Forest Drive West - Fluids in
Motion I - Dampé - Take It Back - Die Nerven - Das Glas zerbricht
und ich gleich mit [Setlist] - [00:00:00] Intro - [00:00:39]
Zuletzt gehört + Bloc-Party-Festival in London - [00:06:00] **Mabe
Fratti // Sentir Que No Sabes (Unheard Of Hope)** - [00:19:43]
Playlist Part 1: Michel Banabila, Sam Morton, Cola, Onhell -
[00:25:13] **Kate Carr // Midsummer, London (Persistence of
Sound)** - [00:33:37] **Skee Mask // Resort (Ilian Tape)** -
[00:40:04] Playlist Part 2: Mikahl Antony, Oiro Pena, Nusar3000,
Boldy James - [00:44:59] **Die Verlierer // Notausgang (Mangel)** -
[00:50:51] **O. // WeirdOs (Speedy Wunderground) ** - [00:56:39]
Playlist Part 3: Dana Kuehr, Kode9, Forest Drive West, Dampe, Die
Nerven - Jetzt auf Spotify abonnieren.

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