#46 A Punsch Crawl: Vienna’s Weihnachtsmärkte Reviewed

#46 A Punsch Crawl: Vienna’s Weihnachtsmärkte Reviewed

1 Stunde 3 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

Warning: This podcast is bilingual and speaks Denglish. 

Which is the best Weihnachtsmarkt in Vienna? Well, Gabriel and
Jake hit the streets on the ultimate Punsch crawl, from one side
of Vienna to the other, to find out for you. They may not get
very far in actually answering this question, but they do have
one wild Punsch-fuelled ride.

This podcast is powered by viennawurstelstand.com and The Wurst
Agency and is hosted by Jacob Moss and Gabriel Schaffler. 

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to talk about/ investigate something Austria-related in
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