The Most Important Thing to Realize Is the Deep I

The Most Important Thing to Realize Is the Deep I

In this episode Eckhart talks about a collective awakening growing on the planet even while the majority of people remain spiritually asleep. He explains most of us are completely identified with our thoughts - the constant, compulsive stream of thinking
1 Stunde 2 Minuten


vor 1 Jahr

In this episode Eckhart talks about a collective awakening
growing on the planet even while the majority of people remain
spiritually asleep. He explains most of us are completely
identified with our thoughts - the constant, compulsive stream of
thinking that dominates our awareness and creates a very limited
identity. He says beyond thoughts is a more profound and truer
self which Eckhart calls the Deep I. We begin to awaken when we
recognize the difference between the two.

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