Recognizing The Essence of Who You Are in Everyone

Recognizing The Essence of Who You Are in Everyone

Eckhart begins this episode discussing the purpose of suffering. He says suffering is the great awakener, that cracks the shell of the ego. He believes through the crack something beautiful and profound emerges. Eckhart describes it as our true essence. H
39 Minuten


vor 2 Jahren

Eckhart begins this episode discussing the purpose of suffering.
He says suffering is the great awakener, that cracks the shell of
the ego. He believes through the crack something beautiful and
profound emerges. Eckhart describes it as our true essence. He
says as we become familiar with this deeper dimension, we
discover the very same “beingness” exists in others. He says
recognizing the essence of who we are in everyone, is just one of
the joys of spiritual awakening.

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