PDS 10.5 EXCLUSIVE- Logan Paul Accuses Bad Bunny of Exploiting Puerto Rico, Being a Hypocrite, &

PDS 10.5 EXCLUSIVE- Logan Paul Accuses Bad Bunny of Exploiting Puerto Rico, Being a Hypocrite, &

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News You Might Have Missed: https://youtu.be/IMpMx292aIM TEXT ME!
+1 (813) 213-4423 Get More Phil: https://linktr.ee/PhilipDeFranco –
00:00 - Investigation Opened Into Test Forcing Navy Seal Trainees
To Inhale Tear Gas 04:28 - Elon Musk Offers to Buy Twitter at $44
Billion… Again 06:15 - Privacy Concerns Mount as FL Student
Questions About Monthly Cycles Go Digital: 07:45 - Amazon Suspends
50 Employees After Fire-Related Protest: 09:06 - South Korean
Missile Blows Up In Nearby City 10:57 - Sponsored by Vessi 11:44 -
Logan Paul Addresses Criticism Regarding His Move to Puerto Rico
14:11 - Logan Paul: I’m Not Parading My Aid for the Public 16:32 -
Logan Paul: How I’ve Helped Puerto Rico 18:33 - Logan Paul: I Am an
Ally 21:51 - Phil: What If the Shoe Was on the Other Foot? 22:31 -
Phil: I Want This Convo to Be a Stepping Stone For Something Better
24:15 - Logan Paul: Food Donation Fundraiser 24:50 - Logan Paul:
Bad Bunny Is Taking Advantage of Tax Breaks He’s Condemning 26:21 -
Logan Paul: Anti-Logan Sentiment 29:11 - Is Bad Bunny Actually
Using Act 22? – TODAY’S STORIES Investigation Opened Into Test
Forcing Navy Seal Trainees To Inhale Tear Gas:
https://roguerocket.com/2022/10/05/navy-seals-tear-gas-video/ Elon
Musk Offers to Buy Twitter at $44 Billion… Again:
Privacy Concerns Mount as FL Student Questions About Monthly Cycles
Go Digital:
Amazon Suspends 50 Employees After Fire-Related Protest:
South Korean Missile Blows Up In Nearby City:
Logan Paul Addresses Criticism Regarding His Move to Puerto Rico:
https://youtu.be/_H1BgkskTr4 Villa Calma Soup Kitchen Restoration:
STORIES NOT IN TODAY’S SHOW Halyna Hutchins Family Settles With
“Rust” Production, Filming to Resume in 2023:
—————————— Produced by: Cory Ray Edited by: James Girardier, Julie
Goldberg, Maxwell Enright, Christian Meeks Art Department: Brian
Borst, William Crespo Writing/Research: Philip DeFranco, Brian
Espinoza, Maddie Crichton, Lili Stenn, Chris Tolve, Star Pralle
Production Team: Emma Leid ———————————— #DeFranco #LoganPaul
#PuertoRico ————————————

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