C3-Radio: Human security in the age of geopolitics, war on terror and new wars - is the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy fit for purpose?

C3-Radio: Human security in the age of geopolitics, war on terror and new wars - is the European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy fit for purpose?

27 Minuten


vor 5 Jahren

Kapuscinski Development Lecture with Mary Kaldor, Professor of
Global Governance Department of International Development at the
London School of Economics, Director of the Conflict and Civil
Society Research Unit. 00We are living through a period of
transition, which is characterized by competing conceptions of
power and competing ways of doing security. The term ‘global
security cultures’ refers to different ways of doing security
associated with different types of political authority. In
contrast to the Cold War and indeed the whole period of
modernity, when geo-politics held sway, nowadays new wars, the
war on terror and the liberal peace represent different ways of
doing security associated with different forms of political
authority. The combination of new wars and the war on terror in
places like Syria, DRC, or Yemen is undermining many of the norms
and laws of war associated with traditional geo-politics –
bombing schools and hospitals, long distance assassination, the
use of poison as a weapon or beheadings and sexual slavery - and
producing large-scale forced displacement.(C3 Radio vom

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