C3 Radio: Addressing Europe\'s Multiple Crises. Euromemo 2016.

C3 Radio: Addressing Europe\'s Multiple Crises. Euromemo 2016.

27 Minuten


vor 8 Jahren
An agenda for economic transformation, solidarity and democracy.
The Presentation Of EuroMemo 2016.The EuroMemorandum 2016
critically analyses recent economic developments in Europe and
emphasises the strong need for an alternative economic policy that
is based on the principles of democratic participation, social
justice and environmental sustainability. On the 20th of April
2016, at the presentation of the EuroMemorandum 2016 in Vienna,
C3-Centre for Internationale Development, John Grahl, Professor
Professor of European Integration at Middlesex University London
(UK) and a founding member of the EuroMemo Group talked to C3
Radio.(C3 Radio vom 08.06.2016)

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