#30: AI attack(s) @ Siemens EN

#30: AI attack(s) @ Siemens EN

Currently, it seems that only one topic is being discussed: ChatGPT, DALL-E, Adobe Firefly, and so on – Generative AI is fascinating the entire world. But what about in our Siemens universe? What possibilities does generative AI offer us? Moderator Th ...
21 Minuten
DigiPodcast is a Siemens Business podcast


vor 11 Monaten
Currently, it seems that only one topic is being discussed:
ChatGPT, DALL-E, Adobe Firefly, and so on – Generative AI is
fascinating the entire world. But what about in our Siemens
universe? What possibilities does generative AI offer us? Moderator
Thomas Holzner explores this topic in this episode of the
DigiPodcast with his guest Fabian Tinkl-Hennighausen. Fabian heads
the Value Center Analytics Lab & AI, and his team of AI experts
has made chatGPT available for Siemens based on the internally
developed Siemens AI attack platform. Now, every Siemens employee
can safely and Siemens-compliantly use chatGPT internally.Are you
ready to join the conversation about current developments and
applications in generative AI? Then tune in now!

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