#15 DigiPodcast: SCM around the world - news from India

#15 DigiPodcast: SCM around the world - news from India

Siemens is a global player with over 190 locations around the world. One of the most important countries for Siemens is India. The Supply Chain Management team in India is not only generating value for the company through and with their supplier base ...
7 Minuten
DigiPodcast is a Siemens Business podcast


vor 2 Jahren
Siemens is a global player with over 190 locations around the
world. One of the most important countries for Siemens is India.
The Supply Chain Management team in India is not only generating
value for the company through and with their supplier base and
partners and society, but is also a major pillar when it comes to
digitalization. In this episode Thomas Holzner talks with the head
of Siemens SCM in India, Simon Jaeger. Simon, together with his
team, advances digitalization and additionally they are
implementing different projects within the DigiNetwork in
India. Listen now and get insights about the projects as well
challenges of SCM India!  

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