#14 DigiPodcast: Communications in the digital age

#14 DigiPodcast: Communications in the digital age

Are you present on Social Media? Do you watch videos on YouTube or do you get your news via internet? Then you are in the middle of digital communications. Also our DigiPodcast is a prime example for this more and more growing area. But what is needed ...
12 Minuten
DigiPodcast is a Siemens Business podcast


vor 2 Jahren
Are you present on Social Media? Do you watch videos on YouTube or
do you get your news via internet? Then you are in the middle of
digital communications. Also our DigiPodcast is a prime example for
this more and more growing area. But what is needed that the
Podcast can be listened? Get with this episode a deeper insight of
the DigiPodcast journey, how everything began, what challenges
emerge and how the podcast became to one of the most successful
podcasts within Siemens.  Listen to our two digital natives,
Sina Auer and Christiane Weidendorfer and, find out, by the way,
which digital communication trends you should have on track.

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