#9 DigiPodcast: Growth Mindset opens doors

#9 DigiPodcast: Growth Mindset opens doors

In strategic business, adapting working methods to an open culture is usually easy to implement, but what does it all look like in operational business? Can Growth Mindset be implemented in a factory? After this podcast you will know. For this episode ...
20 Minuten
DigiPodcast is a Siemens Business podcast


vor 3 Jahren
In strategic business, adapting working methods to an open culture
is usually easy to implement, but what does it all look like in
operational business? Can Growth Mindset be implemented in a
factory? After this podcast you will know. For this episode,
moderator Thomas Holzner went straight to Berlin and spoke with
Guido Rumpel and Philipp Richstein. Guido is Head of Operations
Germany of the Siemens Mobility unit ‘Rail infrastructure’ and has
made it his mission to drive an open culture within the factories.
In doing so, it was important to him to also bring the supply chain
managers closer to the product. Commodity manager Philipp can
report from direct experience. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Listen
to our DigiPodcast episode and find out how the story continues!

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