#5 DigiPodcast: What is behind #digitalMIND?

#5 DigiPodcast: What is behind #digitalMIND?

Do you have a digital mindset or is it just a buzzword to you? In this Episode Thomas Holzner talks to Lien Kemper, a co-founder and member of the SCM DigiNetwork, about #digitalMIND and what’s behind it. Lien, along with 8 other passionate colleagues ...
9 Minuten
DigiPodcast is a Siemens Business podcast


vor 3 Jahren
Do you have a digital mindset or is it just a buzzword to you? In
this Episode Thomas Holzner talks to Lien Kemper, a co-founder and
member of the SCM DigiNetwork, about #digitalMIND and what’s behind
it. Lien, along with 8 other passionate colleagues, developed a new
format at Siemens Supply Chain Management focusing on digital
mindset. The format consists of three main elements: It starts with
an interactive workshop to reflect on one’s own mindset, followed
by the examination of different business-relevant challenges such
as "Implement an automated process". The format ends with rewards
if these challenges were successfully mastered (such as a voucher
for special trainings or “things money can’t buy”). The goal is to
offer an exciting journey for its participants to sustainably put
their digital mindset into action. Curious about it? Listen now.

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