157: Luise Bang - Strategic Shifts: Navigating Change and Leading Transformation

157: Luise Bang - Strategic Shifts: Navigating Change and Leading Transformation

45 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten

Our guest in this episode is Luise Bang. Luise is Chief Strategy
and Transformation Officer at Vodafone in Denmark. During her
career, Luise has led strategy and transformation and gained
insights in a number of industries, among them aerospace.
renewable energy (specifically offshore wind energy), defense,
industrial engineering, surface treatment technology, information
Technology, Software Development and Toy Manufacturing. She has
worked at companies such as Airbus Defence and Space, MHI Vestas,
Bombardier, Danfoss, tantec, Sentia, e-Soft and Lego Group. Luise
is known for her ability to pull together high performing teams,
create transparency in complex matters and to engage her
surroundings. “You can no longer segregate your digital
transformation from your overall transformation, because every
transformation consists at the heart of it of digital elements.”
Is the “business as usual” mindset outdated? Digital
transformation affects more than just work processes. It affects
the way we stay productive, as a team and individually and it
forces companies to completely rethink their routines. This is
necessary in order to master the transformation process with the
needed speed and at the same time pull employees and associates
together to seek a common goal – future-readiness. In this
inspiring conversation, Luise talks about the greatest strategic
challenge for companies and gives insight into how your
leadership style affects your teams’ motivation. From the shift
in the longevity of transformation strategies, via the importance
of empathic people management for an efficiently performing team,
to the leadership style as a key factor for the success of a
company. One thing is for sure: Successful transformation
strategies need to be adjustable, and they need to recognize the
fast changes of trends and focus on the near future, because in
today’s economy nobody can look 10 years ahead and thrive with
long term strategies. What does transformation have in common
with furniture design, what is the productivity secret of the
Scandinavian way of working and how does a natural networker
design future transformation strategies while running, skiing or
sailing with her five children and their partners? – tune in!

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