AI minutes – "AI patents, green innovations and tech breakthroughs"

AI minutes – "AI patents, green innovations and tech breakthroughs"

10 Minuten


vor 1 Monat

In this exciting "AI minutes" episode, we
welcome Daniel as our new co-host! Together with Lily, he dives
into the world of artificial intelligence.

This week, we have prepared many exciting topics for you. We
start with the controversy surrounding Figma's design tool, which
was withdrawn due to suspiciously similar designs to the iOS
weather app. We continue with China's impressive lead in patent
applications in generative AI, followed by Google DeepMind's
revolutionary training method, JEST, which makes training AI
models faster and more energy-efficient.

Bill Gates optimistically forecasts AI's future environmental
benefits. We also examine Google's rising greenhouse gas
emissions and their impact on climate goals. We also examine
Nvidia's new B100 chip, which promises a significant performance
boost, and Runway's ground-breaking software that generates video
from text and images.

We also discuss AMD's acquisition of Finnish start-up Silo AI and
what this means for competition in the semiconductor market.
OpenAI's internal scale for measuring progress towards artificial
general intelligence and Anthropic's new tools to help developers
create better inputs for their AI applications round out this
episode. Join us as we dive into the fascinating and
ever-evolving world of artificial intelligence!

Netgen Switzerland presents AI minutes

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