

43 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren

Chris is from America...always having a little kid in her heart,
she is curious about everything. a couple of years ago she was
sent to this country that is far away from her hometown, AND she
fell in Love with this country and its culture...through her
audio, you can hear the real and unique voice ranging from people
to culture to language and so on...If you are interested in
Chinese culture or if you havent known anything about Chinese
culture, Chris' audio is the great start and you are gonna stick
with her! 和 Chris 和佳佳一起从东西方的角度谈论中国的文化,习俗,传统,当然还有食物。Chris

Weitere Episoden

Fujiabian Park
31 Minuten
vor 7 Monaten
Chris is Tone Deaf
32 Minuten
vor 7 Monaten
It’s Cold Season
31 Minuten
vor 7 Monaten
Guoba and Gravy
33 Minuten
vor 7 Monaten
A.I. Frequent Sentences
32 Minuten
vor 7 Monaten

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