Girl Code and Boy Code

Girl Code and Boy Code

17 Minuten


vor 3 Jahren
The Six Most Important Girl Code Rules Don't hate
on girls you don't know. ... Be honest when your
girlfriend asks how she looks. ... Rescue any girl you
see getting hit on by a creep. ... Ex's, siblings and close friends
are off limits unless you get permission. ... Don't share secrets.
... Don't let a guy get between you and your friend. Real Men
Explain "Guy Code" Friend bros before non-friend bros. ... Stop
being so picky about your preference in beers. ... Don't tell your
friend you've heard his lame story before. ... Urinal code should
be treated as law. ... Do not talk about Bro Code. ... Let new bros
in your group. ... No moving-related favors shall go unrewarded.
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