#43 A CFO PERSPECTIVE ON PARENTAL LEAVE – does it pay off? – with Marcus Lueger

#43 A CFO PERSPECTIVE ON PARENTAL LEAVE – does it pay off? – with Marcus Lueger

Does it pay off? – with Marcus Lueger
29 Minuten


vor 1 Monat

At Sanofi, everyone gets parental leave: all parents of all
genders, irrespective of which country they’re in. “People feel
like it’s part of our culture,” Sanofi-Aventis Germany’s CFO
Marcus Lueger tells me in this week’s podcast. “We’re recognised,
and it pays off,” he says. “I don’t have to offer anybody any
kind of retention bonus or above-average pay increase so that
they stay. They know what our values are, and that pays back.”

 In an unexpectedly open and warm-hearted discussion, Marcus
explains why he shares MyCollective’s convictions around
diversity, and explains some of the ways in which Sanofi support
both genders in their parenting/career goals:

14 weeks minimum paid parental leave for everyone globally;

giving parental leavers the option to stay in touch and keep
receiving news that’s relevant to their team / position /

flexible work models, including tandems and hybrid 50-50 office
and working from home solutions.


It was really inspiring for us to see what can be done within big
companies – and how much can shift as a result. “One thing that
definitely changes, is when you recruit someone to a position
where in the past people said, ‘She’s 30 she’s probably going to
get pregnant, I’m gonna take the guy!'" says Marcus. "Well, guess
what – the guy is also going to go on 14 week parental leave, so
that takes one key argument away!”


As we always say – we’ll know that we’ve arrived when men and
women of childbearing age are treated the same way, so it’s
fantastic to see that in this company, that’s already happening!

Speaker: Marcus Lueger – CFO GSA & Managing Director Finance
@Sanofi-Aventis Deutschland

Host: Dr. Ricarda Engelmeier – Founder @MyCollective

Photo: Marcus Lueger   

#getinspired #podcast
#inspiration #MyCollective
#leadership #parenthood 
#ImpulseSessions #parentalleave

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