Yavuz Baydar reflects on life as a Turkish exiled journalist

Yavuz Baydar reflects on life as a Turkish exiled journalist

Exile journalist on the rapid decline of press freedom in Turkey
30 Minuten


vor 1 Monat
Can independent journalists still work freely in Turkey? What is
life like for an exiled journalist in Europe? What are the
implications of the recent EU and Turkish local elections for both
journalists who remain in Turkey and those who have fled into
exile? Yavuz Baydar is an award-winning journalist, editor and
analyst in Turkish and international media. Since the failed
Turkish coup d'etat in 2016 Yavuz Baydar has had to live and work
in exile. In conversation with Diana Huth, Yavuz Baydar analyzes
the geopolitical implications of the 2024 elections and calls for
greater support for exile journalism. More on Körber-Stiftung’s
projects for exiled journalists. Exile Media Forum:
https://koerber-stiftung.de/projekte/exile-media-forum/ Yavuz
Badayr’s book“ Die Hoffnung stirbt am Bosporus” (2018):

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