#97 A Shepherd's Calling: Embracing Love and Support Through Ordination (Eng)

#97 A Shepherd's Calling: Embracing Love and Support Through Ordination (Eng)

39 Minuten


vor 1 Monat

In today's episode, Aaron and Willi sit down to discuss a
significant recent development at our church. Aaron has been
ordained and installed as Pastor here in Eichstätt. Willi asks
Aaron about his feelings and experiences as a newly appointed
pastor. While they share some lighthearted moments, even joking
about Snoop Dogg, they delve into the deeper topic of ordination
and its implications for our local church.

They compare the practices of ordination in the United States and
Germany, exploring the flexibility and diversity in how
ordination can be practiced. Aaron and Willi emphasize that
ordination is a time to demonstrate one's calling and be affirmed
by the congregation. It's a period that can be both challenging
and highly encouraging for the entire church community. Tune in
to hear their insights and reflections on this important

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