How to free yourself from your own limitations - Realtalk with Manu

How to free yourself from your own limitations - Realtalk with Manu

31 Minuten


vor 1 Monat

Welcome to another solo episode of the Traumweberinnen Podcast!
My name is Manuela Maier and I am your host.

This is the first time in a very long time that I feel completely
FREE. I have freed myself of this huge construct of expectations
and limitations that I placed on myself. I was not chasing my
dreams. I was chasing the dreams everybody else had about me. But
it was okay since I derived a lot of my self-worth through
fulfilling other people's expectations. Now I'm living a life
true to myself. I'm being present, taking care of myself and my
needs so that I can find out what I truly want and follow that

I always thought freedom lay in climbing the corporate ladder,
having a career that everybody admired. But when I followed that
route and had reached all the goals I had set for myself, I felt
nothing. No joy, no sense of satisfaction. Nothing. That is not
how I intend to live my life. So I pivoted. 

Now I'm working a normal day-job as a Social Media and
Communications Manager and have enough energy and resources left
to follow my passions in my free time. Like this podcast.

Let me know in the comments if my story resonates with you!

Find your purpose and heal yourself!
Lots of Love, Manu

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