Healing Hormones & stepping into your feminine leadership Era with Roos Jansen

Healing Hormones & stepping into your feminine leadership Era with Roos Jansen

52 Minuten


vor 1 Monat

What are Hormones? What are they doing for us? & why is it so
important to work with them? I'm so honored to welcome Holistic
Women's Coach & Hormone Therapist: Roos Jansen! On a daily
she is creating a safe space for women, which are looking to
balance their hormones, pursue their career goals, and excel in
all aspects of life. In this episode we talk all about hormonal
health, the wisdom of your body & our own stories and
experiences with these topics. With these words: welcome to the
first ever english episode in the Pod!

you can find more about Roos on her Webseite or on Instagram:

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Kontakt kommen? Hier findest Du mich auf
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Melinda-Health // Hast noch offene Fragen oder Anregungen? Dann
schau gern unter meiner Webseite:
www.melinda-health.com vorbei oder schreib mir gern direkt per
Mail: kontakt.melinda@gmail.com

Ich freue mich auf Dich & wünsche Dir von Herzen nur das
Beste! Deine Melinda

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