Idan Raichel: "I find hope and strength among the people"

Idan Raichel: "I find hope and strength among the people"

55 Minuten
Der 7. Oktober - und das Davor & Danach


vor 5 Monaten

For our 8th episode, we met Idan Raichel - in person - in a
podcast studio in Vienna.

In this very personal account, Idan talks about his life between
Tel Aviv and Lower Austria, where he’s been living with his
family for the past 10 months. He tells us how he experienced the
7th of October in Israel, about his help at refugee centers in
Eilat that left a deep emotional mark on him, and how he finds
hope and strength among the people.

Sandie Grün met Idan at the closing ceremony of the 11th
Conference for Holocaust studies at Yad Vashem. We’re very
honoured and thankful that we could meet him for a live interview
in Vienna.

Idan Raichel is one of the most famous and acclaimed musicians
from Israel. With his “Idan Raichel Project” he has issued 4
studio albums and cooperated with over 150 musicians from all
over the world. 

This is the final episode of our first season.

The episode was recorded on the 29th of July.

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