#246 Hope Williams: When you choose hope, you ignite a future filled with endless possibilities.

#246 Hope Williams: When you choose hope, you ignite a future filled with endless possibilities.

21 Minuten


vor 2 Monaten

Hope Williams

Hawaii, USA

Welcome to "Hope Is Speaking." Hope is a retired
flight attendant with 15 years of experience in the skies, having
traveled to over 60 countries and served countless individuals.
Her life took a pivotal turn during an emergency landing,
prompting her to explore how she could give more to the world
beyond her profession. This journey led her to become a
professional motivational speaker, focusing on life lessons over
failures, embracing the unknown, and celebrating our unique
individuality. Since 2021, Hope has inspired audiences
worldwide, both virtually and in person, and delivered a TED Talk
in October 2023 in Karlsruhe, Germany. Join her as she navigates
life with positivity and confidence.


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