#202 Kathy Imabayashi: I guide parents raising boys to understand their sons and the world they are living in more clearly, leading to deeper connections and communication.

#202 Kathy Imabayashi: I guide parents raising boys to understand their sons and the world they are living in more clearly, leading to deeper connections and communication.

17 Minuten


vor 3 Monaten

Kathryne Imabayashi


Born into a family of eight, all female except for two, in a
small town in Nova Scotia, Canada, Kathryne Savage Imabayashi
grew up as a member of the baby boomer generation. She envisioned
and created a series of life’s adventures often based ‘on a
feeling’ or more often, on a feeling derived from a book. Reading
Shogun by James Clavell propelled her into an international
journey and nomad lifestyle that would start in Japan and take
her through six different countries and cultures for the next
four decades.

Nearly thirty years ago, an ordinary outing with her son sparked
a profound realization for Kathy: the urgent need to understand
and then advocate for boys. Recalling the moment, she shares, "As
a 'gang of boys' approached us that day, I felt an instinctual
fear simply because they were boys. I couldn't bear the thought
of someone feeling that same fear when my son approached. That's
when I knew I had to do something to make a difference in the
world he was growing up in."

For almost three decades, Kathryne has been on a relentless quest
to comprehend and communicate the emotional landscape of boys and
the societal pressures they face. Recognizing the dissonance
between societal expectations and boys' authentic feelings, she
aims to prevent them from shutting down or succumbing to negative
Since retiring, Kathy has wholeheartedly pursued her passion.
She's established Sonhood Coaching, developed over ten online
courses, and authored books like "What’s It All About, Mom?" and
"Raising Boys Who Become Remarkable Men." She actively shares her
insights on social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook,
LinkedIn, and through her website blogs.


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