#196 Bobbie James: Bridge the gap between for-profit and nonprofit organizations while connecting both to resources and education as well as broaden community awareness

#196 Bobbie James: Bridge the gap between for-profit and nonprofit organizations while connecting both to resources and education as well as broaden community awareness

18 Minuten


vor 3 Monaten

Bobbie James

Austin, Texas

Jamsz Konnections is a 501c3 nonprofit company created to offer a
new innovative and exciting way of thinking about fundraising and

Bobbie James, the Founder and Executive Director was
inspired to create Jamsz Konnections because of her desire to
serve people.

Throughout her life, she felt a calling to serve. However, it
wasn't until she had a health issue of her own that had her take
a look at her life where she gained the courage to pursue a dream
that was aligned with her heart.

She was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2002. It didn't take
cancer to make her care for others. It just inspired her to
eventually take the step towards her dream.


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