#195 Jennifer Cain Birkmose: If trust is the most important currency in businesses that serve the elderly, we have cracked the code.

#195 Jennifer Cain Birkmose: If trust is the most important currency in businesses that serve the elderly, we have cracked the code.

21 Minuten


vor 3 Monaten

Jennifer Cain Birkmose

Basel, Switzerland

Jennifer Cain Birkmose is a seasoned entrepreneur with extensive
experience in the technology and healthcare industries. She is
the co-Founder and CEO of vivavalet where she leads strategic
customer aquistion initiatives and drives business growth.
Jennifer is passionate about innovation and leveraging technology
to improve healthcare outcomes. With a strong track record of
building successful businesses, she brings a wealth of knowledge
and expertise to the table. Join us as we dive into Jennifer's
entrepreneurial journey on our podcast.


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