#161 Sarah Russell: Faith and fear cannot exist at the same time

#161 Sarah Russell: Faith and fear cannot exist at the same time

16 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten

Sarah Russell

Sarah is first and foremost a student of yoga, which has
informed her holistic business approach and sets her apart in the
business world. She has been insanely successful and a total
failure along her career path - both of which have taught her
many lessons in consistency, perseverance and
entrepreneurship. Sarah has consulted for over 60
organizations and founded more brands and businesses than she can
count on two hands. Currently she leads digital transformation
and innovation efforts for a US government consulting
firm. Sarah resides in the Rocky Mountains of the US
where she splits her time between city life in Denver and rural
Montana, and can be found adventuring around the globe and
playing outside with her family whenever possible.


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