#156 Creg Effs: There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.

#156 Creg Effs: There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.

16 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten

Creg Effs

St. Thomas, Jamaica

Creg Effs is a highly accomplished and dedicated Christian
man, born in Kingston, Jamaica, on November 19, 1977. He is
currently the Chairman of the Board of Flemming’s Basic School,
Chairman of the Parish Board of Early Childhood Institutions, a
member of the Power of Faith Basic School, and a Past President
and member of the Lions Club of St. Thomas. With over 22 years of
experience as a firefighter and a successful stint in network
marketing since 2012, Creg is also a Justice of the
Peace, Motivational Speaker, Workshop Facilitator, and youth
mentor. He has received numerous awards and recognitions for his
outstanding contributions to society.

Creg's passion for writing has been evident since his high school
years, and he has published two poetry anthologies, namely "Once,
Twice, Three Times a Charm" and "So Many Things Mean Love." His
poems have been featured in several publications, including The
Cambridge-Hall Poetry Journal and 2020: The Year in
Poetry. Creg's most recent book, "It Begins In The Mind
Empower Your Thoughts," a collection of motivational thoughts,
was published on May 18, 2021, under his brand Creginspires,
which is also the title of his YouTube channel. Through his
channel, he inspires and motivates others to achieve their goals.

Apart from his professional
accomplishments, Creg enjoys going to church, reading,
singing, public speaking, hiking, traveling, and helping people.
He is a proud member of the Professional Writers Alliance and
myAWAI (American Writers & Artists Institute). You can find
his poetry pieces
on allpoetry.com and mirakee.com.

Creg's favorite quote by Zig Ziglar, "To get what you want, help
enough other people get what they want first!" perfectly captures
his philosophy of life, which is to serve others


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