#153 David Kloser: Stepping Up to the Plate in Life... on and off the field

#153 David Kloser: Stepping Up to the Plate in Life... on and off the field

26 Minuten


vor 5 Monaten

David Kloser

Pennsylvania, USA

Coach David Kloser is a Certified Mental Game Coach, who works
with person - inside the player to help athletes overcome the
need to play perfect, manage their emotions when under pressure,
and release the fears and doubts that block them from being the
best player they can be.
He is also the author of the book, “Stepping Up to the Plate”
where he personally interviewed over 300 Major League Baseball
players, coaches, managers and Hall of Famers about what it takes
to handle adversity and achieve success at the highest
As a motivational speaker he’s spoken to hundreds of
organizations, most notably at the baseball Hall of Fame.
David's other claim to fame is pitching against Major League
Baseball's all-time home run king, Barry Bonds, one time in
college. David can proudly say that he “held” Bonds to only a
Please welcome Coach David Kloser!


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