#108 INSPIRED! interview - Lera Mikhailova

#108 INSPIRED! interview - Lera Mikhailova

17 Minuten


vor 6 Monaten

Lera Mikhailova

California, US

Introducing an empowering podcast episode: "Teaching Women to Be
Models, Not Martyrs"

In this episode, we have a remarkable guest who has a diverse
background in health and medicine. Initially trained in the
conventional model, they obtained a degree in Neurobiology,
Physiology, and Behavior, followed by becoming a board-certified
OBGYN nurse practitioner through graduate school. But their
journey didn't stop there! They went on to specialize in
functional medicine at the prestigious Institute for Functional

You may have encountered our guest in various roles throughout
their career. They could have been your clinician at Stanford
Medical Center, your practitioner at a Bay Area functional
medicine practice, your OBGYN nurse practitioner, birth doula,
fertility consultant, or even your pelvic health bellydance
instructor, salsa teacher, pleasure coach, Fertility Awareness
Method educator, local mama's group supporter, or fellow

Now, our guest practices as a functional and integrative medicine
health consultant. They are passionate about helping you uncover
the root causes of your symptoms and providing you with the tools
and resources to truly understand your body. Join us as we delve
into their expertise and learn how to embrace a model of health
that prioritizes empowerment over sacrifice.

Tune in to this inspiring episode and discover how to become a
model of self-care, rather than a martyr to life's challenges.
Let's embark on this journey towards holistic well-being

Here is the link for the starter kit and her website!


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