Season 2 Orphan Black Roundtable

Season 2 Orphan Black Roundtable

Kris and Stephanie joined hosts from Solo Talk Media's Orphan Black Podcast, DVMPE's The Orphan Black Podcast, The C Word, and 324B21 to discuss questions lingering from the second season of Orphan Black and talk a bit about what we're...
1 Stunde 48 Minuten


vor 10 Jahren

Kris and Stephanie joined hosts from Solo Talk Media's Orphan
Black Podcast, DVMPE's The Orphan Black Podcast, The C Word,
and 324B21 to discuss questions lingering from the
second season of Orphan Black and talk a bit about what
we're looking forward to in Season 3. 

Questions discussed include:

What were our general thoughts about Season 2?

Which new character were we most excited about?

Which character did we wish we had seen more of in Season 2?

What did we think about the Proletheans storyline with

What about Season 2 will really stick with us?

What storyline are we most anticipating in Season 3?

Do we think we'll learn that there is more to Felix?

Tell us your thoughts about this discussion by sending a
voice message or calling us at 972-514-7223.

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