#5 Staffel 2 - Dr. Steven MacGregor - How sustainable and healthy performance looks like

#5 Staffel 2 - Dr. Steven MacGregor - How sustainable and healthy performance looks like

ENGLISCHE FOLGE Steven is an international speaker, bestselling author, wellbeing pioneer and leadership development expert. In his portfolio you will find highly successful and forward-thinking organizations such as On. In this chat we will deep dive int
47 Minuten


vor 1 Monat


00:00: Elvira introduces today’s guest and the
topic: Dr. Steven MacGregor also known as the chief well-being

01:24: Steven introduces himself and his work

02:10: we talk about “busyness” and the
glorification of it, how it affects our well-being and what it
means to be never fully off

04:40: Steven talks about his portfolio life and
what that consists off, specifically he talks about the role he
has in the National Health Service in Scotland in his

10:00: Steven dives into what Design Thinking
has to do with his work and the design of well-being and how it
is a powerful tool in particular when it comes to developing
health and well-being strategies

12:30: We dive into how Steven works with
leaders and companies on sustainable performance and

16:15: Steven talks about how we get into the
doing, in a time when we hear and read so much about how it could
be done, and we are often overwhelmed with the amount of
information available

17:50: We dive into habits and behavioral
patterns, how to establish new habits that will help, so that we
start to enjoy work again and thrive

20:40: Steven introduces his book (linked
below), where readers dive into a monthly seem and receive a
daily impulse 

21:00: We divert beautifully into the discussion
of a perfect Arnold Bennett omelet and come full circle because
actually Bennetts work was very much about self-help and
behavioral change

25:00: Steven takes us a little bit deeper into
his work in Switzerland at the European Broadcasting Union in
Lausanne and On in Zurich 

26:50: Steven shares his top three learning from
the past 20 years working in well-being 

34:40: We talk about the different forms of
recovery that one can use – ask yourself: When was the last time
you did nothing? Going through that discomfort is so important
for us

38:10: Steven shares his view on social media
and how we can maintain healthy boundaries and keep balance

42:50: Stevens wish for the future or world: a
little less self-interest and a bit more seeing the bigger

45:30: Elvira reflects on the conversation –
health as gamechanger for organisations is defo something to
think more about – maybe a new KPI? 

Connect with Steven on LinkedIn, his website or Instagram

Books recommended on the show:

Steven MacGregor – the daily reset - get it here 

BJ Fogg – tiny habits

Und wer bin ich? Ich bin dein Host, Elvira Häusler. 


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