3x09 "Reckoning Ball" — Episode 35

3x09 "Reckoning Ball" — Episode 35

It’s Reckoning Night in The Quad, and people are making confessions and settling scores as war approaches. Dutch and D’avin work on a plan to plant some false information with the Hullen while John parleys with Delle Seyah. Annie, Stephanie, and...
48 Minuten


vor 7 Jahren
It’s Reckoning Night in The Quad, and people are making confessions
and settling scores as war approaches. Dutch and D’avin work on a
plan to plant some false information with the Hullen while John
parleys with Delle Seyah. Annie, Stephanie, and Kris discuss
episode 3x09 of Killjoys, “Reckoning Ball.”

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