Navigating life with the Ethics Ninja - Insights from Rabbi Yonason Goldson | The Stoic Pirate #127

Navigating life with the Ethics Ninja - Insights from Rabbi Yonason Goldson | The Stoic Pirate #127

1 Stunde 21 Minuten
Der stoische Pirat ist auf der Suche nach dem Schatz des guten Lebens.


vor 1 Monat

In episode 127 of "The Stoic Pirate," where we navigate the vast
seas of philosophy, ethics, and life's pressing questions. I'm
thrilled and truly honored to host an extraordinary guest today,
Rabbi Yonason Goldson. Known as the 'ethics ninja,' Rabbi Goldson
hails from the greater St. Louis area in the USA and brings a
fascinating background as a world-traveling columnist, TEDx
presenter, business consultant, and keynote speaker.

In this conversation, we dive deep into the zeitgeist of our
times, exploring essential questions about happiness, societal
challenges, and the importance of personal change in a polarized
world. Rabbi Goldson's unique journey from a secular upbringing
to becoming a rabbi adds a rich layer to our discussion,
promising insights that are not only thought-provoking but deeply

Every minute of this episode is packed with wisdom and
perspective that you won't want to miss.

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Rabbi Yonason‘s latest book:

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