The key factors for body transformation - Brad Schoenfeld
1 Stunde 1 Minute
vor 2 Monaten
It's my pleasure and I feel so honoured to talk to Brad
Schoenfeld (Ph.D, C.S.C.S.) about training, nutrition and the
role of mindset and lifestyle when it comes to body
transformation. He is a well known researcher- published above
300 articles on body composition and also a former natural
bodybuilding athlete.
Hier geht's zur Videofolge: So happy
to share with you our talk!
Here is the chronology:
Gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time
The role of cardio
The role of our mindset & belief system
Important things besides training and nutrition for a
When do we need to recover?
How hard should we train?
3 lifestyle tips to have a healthy, strong and happy body and
Importance of nutrition timing
How many meals should we eat?
2 mindblowing findings from research about body composition
Training strategies for muscle gaining
How much volume should we train?
Importance of mind muscle connection
Why do you started Bodybuilding?
Your biggest mistakes
Your favorite cheat meal
Your favorite exercises for shoulders and glutes
Latest research
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