Pollercoaster with Dan Pfeiffer - Preview | Trump leading Biden?
Here’s a holiday sneak peek of Crooked's new exclusive series for
Friends of the Pod, POLLERCOASTER. In this preview, host Dan
Pfeiffer and guest Cornell Belcher (Brilliant Corners Research
& Strategies and former pollster for Obama) analyze the latest
17 Minuten
vor 11 Monaten
Here’s a holiday sneak peek of Crooked's new exclusive series for
Friends of the Pod, POLLERCOASTER. In this preview, host Dan
Pfeiffer and guest Cornell Belcher (Brilliant Corners Research
& Strategies and former pollster for Obama) analyze the
latest polls, unpack what it means for Trump to be leading Biden,
and explore where former incumbent Presidents Obama, Clinton, and
others were at this point in their presidencies. New episodes of
Pollercoaster drop every other week, so if you want to hear the
rest of the episode (or future ones), be sure to sign up for
Friends of the Pod at crooked.com/friends.
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