What’s the long-term impact of SCOTUS’ presidential immunity ruling?

What’s the long-term impact of SCOTUS’ presidential immunity ruling?

Will SCOTUS’ immunity ruling increase election stakes? Several states are bringing religion into education. LA’s mayor is pushing for a mask ban at protests.
51 Minuten
Left, Right & Center is KCRW’s weekly civilized yet provocative confrontation over politics, policy and pop culture.


vor 3 Monaten

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Trump’s actions
during his presidency were within constitutional power. The
prosecution of his role in the January 6, 2021 insurrection will
be delayed until after the election this November. The Left,
Right, and Center panel discusses concerns about presidential
power and what this would mean after the election. 

In Oklahoma, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan
Walters released a memo saying the Bible will be taught from
grades 5 to 12. Walters said numerous Bible references are in
political documents, therefore they are part of history.
Similarly, Louisiana has made it the law to include the Ten
Commandments in classrooms. School systems have become the
battleground of church and state separation.

This week’s installment of our 50 states series looks at
anti-masking laws. Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass, along with
leaders in North Carolina and New York, are looking to
ban masks in light of protest clashes over the
conflict in Gaza. Would these laws encroach upon the rights of
demonstrators? What about medical concerns in light of the COVID

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