Common mistakes in sales and how to avoid them | Jennifer Valverde-Schäfer - Venture Development @ Atlantic Labs x FoodLabs

Common mistakes in sales and how to avoid them | Jennifer Valverde-Schäfer - Venture Development @ Atlantic Labs x FoodLabs

34 Minuten


vor 2 Wochen

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In this interview, Jennifer discusses her experiences in sales
and her career development. She talks about her various sales
roles in B2C and B2B companies and how she eventually joined
Atlantic Labs and Food Labs. Dominic and Jennifer explore current
challenges for go-to-market teams, such as identifying the ideal
customer profile (ICP), adapting to different markets, and making
quick decisions. Jennifer highlights the importance of
experiments and sprints for maximizing sales success. They also
discuss startup experimentation, customer pain points, and the
significance of positioning, referencing April Dunford's
framework on positioning.


- Sales roles can vary significantly across industries and

- Identifying the ideal customer profile (ICP) is crucial for
sales success.

- Adapting to different markets requires precise market
segmentation and understanding cultural differences.

- Quick decision-making and experimentation are key factors for
success in sales.

- Set timelines and self-imposed goals, and use the sprint method
for rapid results.

- Sales teams play a critical role in product discovery and
understanding customer pain points.

- Effective positioning is essential to communicate a product’s
true value.


00:00 Career Development in Sales

05:14 Challenges for Go-to-Market Teams

08:30 Adapting to Different Markets

16:41 Quick Decision-Making and Experiments in Sales

20:12 Experimentation and Pivoting

22:32 The Sprint Method

25:29 Understanding Customer Pain Points

27:23 Positioning: Communicating True Value

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