Working divorced parents, dating culture in the US and why Au Pairs should earn more with Leoni

Working divorced parents, dating culture in the US and why Au Pairs should earn more with Leoni

38 Minuten


vor 3 Wochen

Welcome back guys! Today, I am bringing on Leoni, who was an Au
Pair in Maryland and is now studying to become a teacher. She
lived in a very unique host family as her host parents were
divorced, and she spent each weak working for a different parent.
However, she loved it this way and made a great experience out of
her stay. She also talks about what she would change about the Au
Pair Program and if she would ever become and Au Pair again. Oh,
and of course we cannot forget about her experience of dating in
the US. Grab your coffee and get ready for a new episode! You
should definitely head over to her TikTok and check out her

If you want to save money on your application with Au Pair Care,
make sure to use our code aupaircoffee when first applying on

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