Militärdiktatur, Freiheit und Ungewissheit

Militärdiktatur, Freiheit und Ungewissheit

34 Minuten


vor 2 Wochen

Diese Episode ist in Englisch

Chit is 33 years old and has been living in Switzerland for 3
years. He talks about what happened in his home country, Myanmar,
and how people are currently doing there.

The military dictatorship robs people of their freedom of
development and restricts them in many different ways.

Chit has started a new life at the age of 30. It was when he came
to Switzerland and experienced true freedom.

But now everything is uncertain for him, because he is divorced
and does not yet know whether his residence permit will be

Accompany Chit, which means love in his language, through his
life and let him inspire you.

For all those who live in a safe and free country; be grateful.

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