CARE in Action: Gabriella Chihan Stanley, innovative VR director, Co-founder & CCO at vrisch, founder of xrvienna

CARE in Action: Gabriella Chihan Stanley, innovative VR director, Co-founder & CCO at vrisch, founder of xrvienna

47 Minuten


vor 3 Monaten

Andrea Barschdorf-Hager in conversation with innovative VR
director, Co-founder & CCO at vrisch, founder of xrvienna,
Forbes Top 20 EU women founders and entrepreneurial connector
Gabriella Chihan Stanley about XR and VR, technological
development and challenges, importance of XR in education and
training, virtual reality and societal impact, women in the tech
industry, future developments and ethical considerations, use of
VR for older people and in memory work and practical applications
and barriers. The "CARE in Action"-Podcast is sponsored by

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