Roles required for successful predictive maintenance - Part two - with Richard Ella

Roles required for successful predictive maintenance - Part two - with Richard Ella

Welcome to the Trend Detection podcast, brought to you by Senseye Predictive Maintenance – the platform which enables predictive maintenance at scale across all of your assets, across all of your plants.For this session, we were joined by Richard Ella ...
39 Minuten
Trend Detection Podcast is a Siemens Technology podcast


vor 1 Woche
Welcome to the Trend Detection podcast, brought to you by Senseye
Predictive Maintenance – the platform which enables predictive
maintenance at scale across all of your assets, across all of your
plants.For this session, we were joined by Richard Ella to
discussThis episode covers:What are the key roles involved in
implementing a successful predictive maintenance program?How
important are reliability engineers and digital transformation
leaders to the process?You can also tune into:Part one of the
series hereGetting value from a predictive maintenance platform
through customer success management herePlease subscribe via your
selected podcast provider to be notified about future episodes.You
can find out more about how Senseye Predictive Maintenance can
reduce unplanned downtime and contribute towards improved
sustainability within your manufacturing plants, by visiting:

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