#141 JEC FORUM DACH 2024 Update of JEC Group and AVK. Further Forums announced for 2025 and 2026

#141 JEC FORUM DACH 2024 Update of JEC Group and AVK. Further Forums announced for 2025 and 2026

10 Minuten
Der Podcast mit Praxiswissen aus dem Bereich der Faserverbundwerkstoffproduktion und Anwendung


vor 1 Woche

Anne-Carole Barbarin laid out their plans for the JEC Forums by
2026 during the recent JEC World 2024 and we are happy to
accompany the expansion.

Hear from Anne-Carole how JEC has upgraded their matchmaking
system for 2024 and following Forum events.

Let us also remind you that Ilkay Özkisaoglu will host a LinkedIn
Live where we will talk about the JEC FORUM DACH format with
Anne-Carole and Elmar Witten of AVK (Frankfurt, Germany).

Please join us live right here on LinkedIn on September 18 at 2pm
(register link in the comments).

We'd love to hear your comments and questions all around
composites, the Forum and anything else that crosses your mind in
relation to CREATING SUSTAINABLE VALUE with Composites

If you cannot attend this live Event online at this time, please
feel free to press the register button of this event anyway,
because you then will be given access and revisit the event
anytime later plus you can network with all participants of this
event, even if you aren't connected yet.

Looking forward to meeting you on our live on September 18
digitally here on LinkedIn AND in Stuttgart on 22, 23 and/or 24
October 2024 in person.

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